£100 gene tests could identify men with three times the chance of deadly prostate cancer

£100 gene tests could identify men with three times the chance of deadly prostate cancer

This article was taken from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/01/10/100-gene-tests-could-identify-men-three-times-chance-deadly/ By  Laura Donnelly, health editor  New £100 tests could identify men with three times the average risk of developing deadly prostate cancer. Scientists have discovered 54 genetic markers which predispose men to suffering from the most aggressive form of the disease. The research, published in the BMJ, developed a prediction tool by analysing…

Only one in 10 Britons know alcohol causes cancer, survey finds

Only one in 10 Britons know alcohol causes cancer, survey finds

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jan/08/only-one-10-britons-know-alcohol-causes-cancer-survey-finds By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Cancer Research UK says scale of ignorance is worrying as findings also show backing for warning labels on bottles and cans Only one in 10 people know that alcohol causes cancer, according to findings that also show strong public backing for cans and bottles…

Breast cancer study uncovers new genetic variants for increased risk

Breast cancer study uncovers new genetic variants for increased risk

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/oct/23/breast-cancer-breakthrough-as-study-uncovers-new-genetic-variants-that-increase-risk By: Press Association Researchers hope new discoveries will help explain why some women are predisposed to breast cancer, as well as why certain forms are harder to treat Common inherited genetic variants that together increase the risk of breast cancer by about a fifth have been identified by scientists. A huge…

‘Handful of changes’ make cancer

‘Handful of changes’ make cancer

This article was taken from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-41644020 By: James GallagherHealth and science reporter, BBC News website British scientists have worked out how many changes it takes to transform a healthy cell into a cancer. The team, at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, showed the answer was a tiny handful, between one and 10 mutations depending on the…

Majority of recent cancer drugs approved for use in UK show no survival benefits, study finds

Majority of recent cancer drugs approved for use in UK show no survival benefits, study finds

This article was taken from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/10/05/majority-recent-cancer-drugs-approved-use-uk-show-no-survival/ By: Laura Donnelly, health editor  5 OCTOBER 2017 • 12:01AM The majority of cancer drugs approved for use in the UK in recent years are not proven to extend life, research has found. Researchers said patients were being given “false hope” by drugs which claimed major “breakthroughs” when there was no evidence…