Almost 10,000 EU health workers have quit NHS since Brexit vote

Almost 10,000 EU health workers have quit NHS since Brexit vote

This article was taken from: Lisa O’Carroll and Denis Campbell Thursday 21 September 2017 18.16 BST Staff losses will intensify recruitment problems at health service, which now has 40,000 vacant nursing posts Around 10,000 EU nationals have quit the NHS since the Brexit referendum, it has emerged. NHS Digital, the agency that collects data on the health service, found that in the…

Mass NHS data sharing plan will not allow ‘simple opt out’ despite ministers’ pledges

Mass NHS data sharing plan will not allow ‘simple opt out’ despite ministers’ pledges

This article was taken from: By:   Laura Donnelly, health editor  19 SEPTEMBER 2017 • 12:00PM A controversial NHS data-sharing plan will not allow patients a “simple opt-out” despite ministers’ pledges, leaked documents suggest. Last year the Government axed proposals for a national scheme after it was critcised by privacy campaigners for failing to give the public…

‘Cut-price’ medics lured to the NHS from the US with promises of long holidays touring Europe

‘Cut-price’ medics lured to the NHS from the US with promises of long holidays touring Europe

This article was taken from: By:  Laura Donnelly, health editor  18 SEPTEMBER 2017 • 6:01AM ‘Cut-price’ medics are being lured to the UK from the United States with promises of long holidays touring Europe, in a bid to plug widespread staffing shortages.  Laura Donnelly, health editor The NHS is attempting to train or recruit up to 3,200 “physician…

NHS chiefs read the riot act over poor A&E performance

NHS chiefs read the riot act over poor A&E performance

This article was taken from: By:   Laura Donnelly, health editor  18 SEPTEMBER 2017 • 10:00PM NHS hospital chiefs have been hauled in by Jeremy Hunt over poor performance, in a desperate bid to head off an Accident & Emergency crisis. It follows warnings that the NHS could be facing the worst flu season in its history,…

Two-thirds support higher taxes to maintain NHS funding

Two-thirds support higher taxes to maintain NHS funding

This article was taken from: By: Denis Campbell Health Policy Editor Amid growing concern about state of the health service, poll shows a willingness to contribute more Two in three people are prepared to pay more tax in order to ensure the cash-strapped NHS has the money it needs to provide good care. New polling for the King’s Fund thinktank found…