NHS waiting times: hospital bosses fear ‘a return to 1999’

NHS waiting times: hospital bosses fear ‘a return to 1999’

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/oct/19/nhs-waiting-times-hospital-bosses-fear-a-return-to-1999 By: Denis Campbell Health policy editor Four NHS trust chief executives publicly raise concerns about service struggling amid tight budgets and staffing problems Hospital bosses have taken the unusual step of publicly drawing attention to the NHS’s declining ability to treat patients quickly enough, with one comparing lengthening waits for care to…

As a senior doctor, I witness the NHS crumbling on a daily basis – I don’t know how much longer it can go on like this

As a senior doctor, I witness the NHS crumbling on a daily basis – I don’t know how much longer it can go on like this

This article was taken from: http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/nhs-staff-crisis-doctor-shortages-patient-care-suffering-jeremy-hunt-cuts-a8006521.html By: Novika Ramaiya  Doctors are falling asleep at the wheel, emigrating on mass and even committing suicide because of the stress – if the NHS doesn’t start looking after its staff, patients will continue to suffer When I entered the NHS back in the early Nineties as a junior doctor, it…

NHS provokes fury with indefinite surgery ban for smokers and obese

NHS provokes fury with indefinite surgery ban for smokers and obese

This article was taken from: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/10/17/nhs-provokes-fury-indefinite-surgery-ban-smokers-obese/ By:  Laura Donnelly, health editor  The NHS will ban patients from surgery indefinitely unless they lose weight or quit smoking, under controversial plans drawn up in Hertfordshire. The restrictions – thought to be the most extreme yet to be introduced by health services – immediately came under attack from the Royal College of…

While all eyes look to Brexit, our NHS is about to collapse

While all eyes look to Brexit, our NHS is about to collapse

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/oct/17/brexit-nhs-collapse-nurses-leave-flu-epidemic-hospitals By:Polly Toynbee  A perfect storm is looming as nurses leave their profession in droves. If a flu epidemic hits this winter, how will our hospitals cope? Brexit casts its shroud over everything. The no-dealers grow more wild-eyed by the day; though sterling drops, prices rise. Chris Grayling says we can dig…

NHS data loss scandal deepens with further 162,000 files missing

NHS data loss scandal deepens with further 162,000 files missing

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/oct/16/nhs-data-loss-scandal-deepens-with-162000-more-files-missing By: ajeev Syal and Denis Campbell Monday 16 October 2017 22.27 BST Revelation that further documents are missing was made at inquiry into disappearance of original 702,000 pieces of paperwork The scandal over the biggest ever loss of NHS medical correspondence has deepened with the revelation that a further 162,000 documents went missing, on top of the 702,000…