The best and worst of the World Cancer Day news

The best and worst of the World Cancer Day news

This article was taken from: By Judith Potts World Cancer Day fell on February 4, and it carried with it the usual glut of stories and updates. It can be hard to keep up – so I’ve collated some of those that stood out. Let’s start with some good news.  One of the positives for those…

Cash-strapped NHS diverting nurses from clinical trials, report says

Cash-strapped NHS diverting nurses from clinical trials, report says

This article was taken from: By Iain Withers The funding crisis in the NHS has led to cutbacks on vital clinical trials conducted with drug companies on new medicines, according to new research. Cash-strapped hospitals are diverting nurses away from drug research to make up for a shortfall in doctors and nurses doing clinical work with…

Eating disorders: NHS reports surge in hospital admissions

Eating disorders: NHS reports surge in hospital admissions

This aricle was taken from: By Sarah Marsh Exclusive: Experts say NHS services are failing those in need of help as admissions nearly double in six years The number of admissions to hospital of patients with potentially life-threatening eating disorders has almost doubled over the past six years, amid warnings from experts that NHS services to tackle anorexia and…

NHS urges parents to use pharmacies for children’s illnesses

NHS urges parents to use pharmacies for children’s illnesses

This article was taken from: By Guardian Press Association Stay Well Pharmacy campaign aims to relieve pressure on GPs and A&E for minor complaints A health campaign is urging parents to treat their pharmacist as their first port of call for their children’s minor illnesses instead of visiting their GP or A&E. NHS England said there…

NHS: Alcohol-related hospital admissions hit record high after addiction support services slashed

NHS: Alcohol-related hospital admissions hit record high after addiction support services slashed

This article was taken from: By May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent Exclusive: Surge in alcohol-related admissions over last decade prompt warnings public health cuts have ‘failed’ thousands and mounted pressures on A&E departments The number of people being admitted to hospital due to problems with alcohol has hit a record high in England, new figures show, following steep cuts to addiction support services in recent years. Alcohol-related…