Hospitals cancelling urgent surgery despite NHS bosses’ orders

Hospitals cancelling urgent surgery despite NHS bosses’ orders

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Exclusive: shortage of intensive care beds in England leading to operations being postponed Hospitals have been cancelling urgent surgery for patients with cancer, heart disease and other life-threatening illnesses, despite NHS bosses’ orders not to delay such operations. Some patients have had their procedure cancelled several times, even though…

Britain’s flu outbreak has now killed 231 people this winter

Britain’s flu outbreak has now killed 231 people this winter

This article was taken from: By Harley Tamplin The number of people to have died after contracting flu in the UK this winter has risen to 231, according to the latest figures. Public Health England said 193 flu-related deaths have been reported, while another 38 have died in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Levels of the virus…

‘Life-changing’ breast cancer drug to be made available on NHS

‘Life-changing’ breast cancer drug to be made available on NHS

This article was taken from: By Sabrina Barr ‘This is a watershed moment’ A “life-changing” breast cancer drug will become available on the NHS after the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) approved it for routine use following a five-year assessment. Perjeta, otherwise known as pertuzumab, was previously only accessible through the Cancer Drugs Fund….

Blood vessel discovery may prevent diabetes

Blood vessel discovery may prevent diabetes

This article was taken from: By Catharine Paddock PhD New insights from research on how insulin exits the bloodstream to metabolize glucose in cells could lead to new treatments for insulin resistance, a condition that usually precedes type 2 diabetes. In a paper that was published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, scientists at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN, report…

Five signs of Pancreatic Cancer you shouldn’t ignore

Five signs of Pancreatic Cancer you shouldn’t ignore

This article was taken from: By Nini Iyizoba Usually, people never really talk about the pancreas. It takes a back seat compared to its other counterparts such as the liver, stomach and even the gallbladder. Perhaps, this has to do with the location of the pancreas, being tucked away so deep in the abdomen, it is…