Studies show elderly patients require more nutrition during respite care

Studies show elderly patients require more nutrition during respite care

This article was taken from: By HelloCare Mail Elderly patients in respite need more protein to help them recover after hospital Recent studies find that elderly patients, particularly those recovering after hospitalisation in respite care (or convalescent care), need more protein in their diets. Their bodies need extra protein to recover from sickness, surgery, or injury —…

Shingles vaccine ‘has cut cases by a third’ in England

Shingles vaccine ‘has cut cases by a third’ in England

This article was taken from: By: By Philippa RoxbyHealth reporter, BBC News Cases of shingles have reduced by 35% in England since a vaccine was offered to 70-year-olds, Public Health England says. But it is urging more people in their 70s to get their free injection against the painful condition. They are most at risk of…

NHS told to cancel non-urgent operations until mid-January as ‘Christmas crisis’ looms

NHS told to cancel non-urgent operations until mid-January as ‘Christmas crisis’ looms

This article was taken from: By: Alex Matthews-King Health Correspondent Tens of thousands of operations to be put on hold to prepare for ‘surge’ of holiday illnesses Hospitals have been told to cancel tens of thousands of non-emergency operations until the New Year as winter pressures keep ratcheting up and MPs warn the NHS is heading for a “Christmas crisis”. The advice followed vaccination figures showing…

‘Drugs are too expensive for the NHS – and people are paying with their lives’

‘Drugs are too expensive for the NHS – and people are paying with their lives’

This article was taken from: By: Robert Hart Don’t blame the NHS for denying vital medication, say members of a new activist group, Just Treatment. Blame the pharma companies hooked on huge profits Arms aloft, activist and breast cancer patient Emma Robertson emerged from the UK headquarters of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer last month wearing a bright blue T-shirt….

When it comes to the facts about the NHS crisis, who do you believe – your doctor or your Government?

When it comes to the facts about the NHS crisis, who do you believe – your doctor or your Government?

This article was taken from: By: David Wrigley  The spin and misinformation from the Government is spewed forth on a daily basis and I don’t know any NHS worker who believes the likes of Jeremy Hunt or Theresa May Not a day goes by when the NHS is not in the news in one way or…