Jeremy Hunt launches opt-out organ donation plans in England

Jeremy Hunt launches opt-out organ donation plans in England

This article was taken from: By: Sarah Boseley Health editor System would presume consent but experts criticise plans, saying there is no yet evidence that opt-out policies increase donation The health secretary, Jeremy Hunt, is to launch plans for an opt-out system of organ donation, asking people to overcome their “fatal reluctance” to discuss the issue…

Record high levels of prisoner self-harm a ‘damning indictment’ of failures in mental health provision in jails

Record high levels of prisoner self-harm a ‘damning indictment’ of failures in mental health provision in jails

This article was taken from: By: May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent  Record high levels of self-harm in prisons are a “damning indictment” of the current state of the mental health provision in jails across England and Wales, MPs have warned. A report by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) reveals that long-standing understaffing and increased prevalence of drugs…

NHS warns of fatal heart attack spike in wake of cold snap

NHS warns of fatal heart attack spike in wake of cold snap

This article was taken from: By: Alex Matthews-King Health Correspondent  Heart attacks after a cold snap account for two fifths of the extra deaths seen over winter, NHS England says The cold snap, which brought snow and ice to swathes of the UK this weekend, is also likely to usher in a spike in heart attacks and strokes, the NHS…

NHS funding needs cross-party review, says ex-health trust chief after resignation

NHS funding needs cross-party review, says ex-health trust chief after resignation

This article was taken from: By: Ashley Cowburn Political Correspondent  “Unless we do that we’re just going to carry on staggering along, kicking the can down the road and not really addressing the fundamental issues,” Lord Kerslake added A “proper” review into NHS funding is needed according to the former boss of one of the NHS’s biggest trusts, who…

Young offenders deprived of psychology services amid ‘epidemic’ of mental health problems in prisons

Young offenders deprived of psychology services amid ‘epidemic’ of mental health problems in prisons

This article was taken from: By: May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent Exclusive: Children in custody left with urgent needs unmet due to reduced services in secure training centres — with one child left waiting more than seven months for mental health intervention Children in custody are facing a “significant shortfall” in mental health provision, with some given no access to psychology…