Breast cancer study uncovers new genetic variants for increased risk

Breast cancer study uncovers new genetic variants for increased risk

This article was taken from: By: Press Association Researchers hope new discoveries will help explain why some women are predisposed to breast cancer, as well as why certain forms are harder to treat Common inherited genetic variants that together increase the risk of breast cancer by about a fifth have been identified by scientists. A huge…

Today marks the day when a founding principle of the NHS is destroyed – and doctors like me are being told to help

Today marks the day when a founding principle of the NHS is destroyed – and doctors like me are being told to help

This article was taken from: By: Jessica Potter We doctors are trained to make decisions based on the best evidence and that will cause the least harm and it’s no mistake that the damaging policy of checking patient passports is being kept from us Today you are waking up to a new NHS. An NHS where…

NHS pays pharmaceutical companies millions for drugs developed with taxpayers’ money

NHS pays pharmaceutical companies millions for drugs developed with taxpayers’ money

This article was taken from: By: May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent  Treatments for cancer, arthritis and MS among drugs that cost cash-strapped NHS more than £1bn last year, in what has been branded a ‘rip-off’ of British public The NHS is spending millions of pounds on medicines that were discovered with taxpayer-funded research, in what has been branded a “rip-off” by…

Soaring numbers flying abroad for medical care as NHS lists lengthen

Soaring numbers flying abroad for medical care as NHS lists lengthen

This article was taken from: By: Laura Donnelly, health editor ,Katie Morley, consumer affairs editor, 22 OCTOBER 2017 • 9:30PM The number of patients leaving Britain and flying overseas for medical treatment has trebled as NHS waiting times reach a record high, a Telegraph investigation has revealed. Government data shows the number of people going abroad for healthcare has…

NHS waiting times: hospital bosses fear ‘a return to 1999’

NHS waiting times: hospital bosses fear ‘a return to 1999’

This article was taken from: By: Denis Campbell Health policy editor Four NHS trust chief executives publicly raise concerns about service struggling amid tight budgets and staffing problems Hospital bosses have taken the unusual step of publicly drawing attention to the NHS’s declining ability to treat patients quickly enough, with one comparing lengthening waits for care to…