Device that helps obese diabetics lose weight ‘should be rolled out across NHS’

Device that helps obese diabetics lose weight ‘should be rolled out across NHS’

This article was taken from: By: Press Association Plastic sleeve that helped patients with type 2 diabetes lose more than two stone on average is less risky and invasive than gastric bypass surgery, study shows A device that helps obese people with type 2 diabetes shed more than two stone on average should be rolled out…

May’s uncaring snub on pay is an insult to us NHS nurses who give our all

May’s uncaring snub on pay is an insult to us NHS nurses who give our all

After 20 years in the profession things have never been this bad – no wonder the NHS is haemorrhaging staff How would you feel if you went to work, and your first task was to sit with a dying patient and make sure that their death was dignified? Then you laid them out and comforted…

We’re more likely to get cancer than to get married. This is a wake-up call

We’re more likely to get cancer than to get married. This is a wake-up call

Macmillan Cancer Support says one in two people will get a cancer diagnosis. Yet our treatment still focuses on the disease, not the person’s specific needs “I need you to see this patient now,” a nurse whispers, her quiet tone masking a mountain of concern. “I am an oncologist,” I introduce myself to the stricken…

NHS plan could see blood pressure checks on supermarket tills

NHS plan could see blood pressure checks on supermarket tills

Shoppers could have their blood pressure checked at supermarket tills under radical NHS plans aimed at preventing almost 25,000 heart attacks and strokes. Firefighters, teachers and office workers will also be trained to carry out tests, in a bid to identify thousands of people are risk of the major killers. Under the NHS proposals, local…

Warning over psychiatrists amid mental health ‘crisis’

Warning over psychiatrists amid mental health ‘crisis’

The number of psychiatrists working in Scotland’s NHS has increased by just four in the past five years amid warnings of an “enormous gulf” developing in the treatment of physical and mental health. The Royal College of Psychiatrists said the number of consultant psychiatrists in Scotland has risen by less than 1 per cent since…