Mini tumours grown in lab are breakthrough for medicine tests

Mini tumours grown in lab are breakthrough for medicine tests

This article was taken from: By Thomas Moore, Science Correspondent The tests could tell doctors which treatment would be most effective, and avoid putting patients through unnecessary suffering. Scientists have successfully grown mini versions of patients’ tumours in a lab – and then tested them against dozens of drugs to find the best possible treatment. The…

Cash-strapped NHS diverting nurses from clinical trials, report says

Cash-strapped NHS diverting nurses from clinical trials, report says

This article was taken from: By Iain Withers The funding crisis in the NHS has led to cutbacks on vital clinical trials conducted with drug companies on new medicines, according to new research. Cash-strapped hospitals are diverting nurses away from drug research to make up for a shortfall in doctors and nurses doing clinical work with…

Drug-related mental health admissions in NHS hit record high

Drug-related mental health admissions in NHS hit record high

This article was taken from: By Damien Gayle 82,135 hospital admissions had a primary or secondary diagnosis of drug-related disorders The annual number of hospital admissions in England with a diagnosis of a drug-related mental or behavioural disorder has reached an all-time high, figures show. There were 82,135 hospital admissions in the year to April 2017…

NHS urged to act more quickly to stop elderly patients going blind

NHS urged to act more quickly to stop elderly patients going blind

This article was taken from: By: Laura Donnelly, health editor  Thousands of elderly patients are being left at risk of blindness because the NHS is too slow to prescribe drugs which could save their sight, experts have warned. New guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) today say patients suffering from age-related macular…

£100 gene tests could identify men with three times the chance of deadly prostate cancer

£100 gene tests could identify men with three times the chance of deadly prostate cancer

This article was taken from: By  Laura Donnelly, health editor  New £100 tests could identify men with three times the average risk of developing deadly prostate cancer. Scientists have discovered 54 genetic markers which predispose men to suffering from the most aggressive form of the disease. The research, published in the BMJ, developed a prediction tool by analysing…