NHS faces ‘worst winter in recent history’ without £350m emergency bailout, warn hospital chiefs

NHS faces ‘worst winter in recent history’ without £350m emergency bailout, warn hospital chiefs

The NHS will suffer its worst winter in recent history if it does not receive a £350m emergency bailout, hospital chiefs have warned. The cash is desperately need to fund extra staff and beds, with waiting times and bed shortages remaining “stubbornly bad,” according to NHS Providers, which represents NHS chief executives. The government has given…

UK needs to act urgently to secure NHS data for British public, report warns

UK needs to act urgently to secure NHS data for British public, report warns

Algorithms based on NHS records could seed an ‘entirely new industry’ in AI-based diagnostics and mint billions for tech companies, strategic review reveals The government must act urgently to ensure that patients and UK taxpayers – not just tech companies – gain from new commercial applications of NHS data, an independent review of the UK life sciences…

Meet the nurse who will soon perform surgery on patients alone

Meet the nurse who will soon perform surgery on patients alone

Unlike other nursing roles, a surgical care practitioner is involved with the patient every step of the way In the operating theatre, scalpel in hand, Sara Dalby is reminded of snow: “When you’re making the first incision, it’s like making a set of footprints in it. It’s never going to be the same.” Patients may…

Doctor’s Diary: Where is the NHS going to recruit its ‘army of British nurses’ from?

Doctor’s Diary: Where is the NHS going to recruit its ‘army of British nurses’ from?

Professor Stephen Hawking’s intellectual reputation as our greatest living scientist may be overrated – hence his never being awarded the Nobel Prize… – but his entertaining spat with Jeremy Hunt, whom he accused of “abusing scientific arguments” to justify government policies is right on the money. In response, the Health Secretary defended his controversial plans for a so-called “seven-day NHS”…

The stars of Ambulance are heroes, but heroism isn’t enough to save the NHS

The stars of Ambulance are heroes, but heroism isn’t enough to save the NHS

It’s right to celebrate the work of the paramedics and those hard-pressed back-up staff in the BBC series. It would be better to fund them properly here’s a part of me that wants to be cynical about the BBC’s new series of Ambulance. After all, the Beeb put on its flashing blue light to do all this…