OneCall24 allows you to monitor, every aspect of the care being given, giving loved ones peace of mind.


OneCall24 allows you to monitor, manage, and control every aspect of our Comprehensive Candidate profiles.

Medication Management

Medication Management Icon

Pass links live and direct to the DM+D and BNF providing the latest information to ensure safe medications administration.

Evidence Collection

Evidence Collection Icon

Collect digital witness signatures and add photos to documents, observations, and actions to evidence care provision at all stages of the customer journey.

Action Scheduling

Action Scheduling Icon

Create person-centred care plans easily with our new scheduling feature. New PRN action concept allows pass to handle unpredictable nature of care.

Care Plan Tracking

Careplan Tracking Icon

Track metrics of your choice against progress and maintenance in easy-to-understand graphical representation with the new care plan tracking tasks functionality.

Offline Care Plan Management on App

Offline Care Plan Management On App Icon

Pass is fully functional offline as well as online, and updates automatically in poor connectivity areas. Alerts inform the office of any irregularities.

Multi-Discipline Team Roles

Multi Discipline Team Roles Icon

New MDT role capability allows limited access by third parties, e.g. psychologists, podiatrists, so that they have all the information they need to care for people effective.

Cc Phone Grey
Timeline Of Care Icon

Timeline of Care

Our exclusive new 24-hour timeline of care, available at office, carer and individual service user levels, show clearly everything that has happened in recent care history. Regulatory inspections are aided by multiple information filters and print option

Care Plan Management Icon

Care Plan Management

Ensure clarity around staff roles by assigning areas of responsibility, organising care givers into care groups, or assigning them tasks at an individual level.

Care Records Icon

Care Records

Keep a complete care record of your service user’s care in an easily searchable format, and add review notes where necessary, without using a rainforest’s-worth of paper!

Up To Date Record Of Employee Files Icon

Up to date record of Employee Files

Keep up-to-date details of your workforce in PASS, including their contact details, supervisions, training certificates, and more.

Body Maps Icon

Body Maps allows person centred care accuracy

New generation interactive body maps take person-centred care to another level of accuracy.

Open Pass Icon

Open Pass

This iOS and Android app and website keeps friends and family up to speed with your service users’ care and allows them to communicate easily with the care provider, creating a community of care of huge benefit to your service users.

Vetting, Compliance, Governance

COVID19 Free

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