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This article was taken from: http://diabetestimes.co.uk/nhs-mandate-pledges-diabetes-support-and-more-funding/
By Editor
The document, which sets out the government’s objectives for NHS England, has stated the health service’s additional funding now takes the total to over half a trillion pounds from 2015 to 2020.
Secretary of State for Health and Social Care Jeremy Hunt said the extra money comes with a “clear responsibility for the NHS to minimise waste and make best use of its resources”.
The issue of diabetes and other health-related conditions were mentioned in the document. On page 10, it said: “The escalating demands of ill health driven by our lifestyles also threaten the long-term sustainability of the NHS.”Embedding prevention is therefore crucial to improving and lengthening lives, reducing health inequalities, and to reducing avoidable demand for NHS services.”
The mandate continued: “We ask NHS England to lead a step-change in the NHS on helping people to live healthier lives by tackling obesity and preventable illness. In particular, this includes contributing to the Government’s goal to reduce child obesity and doing more to reach the five million people at high risk of diabetes and improve the management and care of people with diabetes.”
NHS England has also been set objectives to meet with clear priority deliverables for 2018-19 in a bid to measure the performance of the health service
It is hoped the majority of the goals will be achieved in partnership with the Department of Health and Social Care, NHS Improvement and other health bodies such as Public Health England, Health Education England, the Care Quality Commission and NHS Digital
Page 14 of the document laid out some of the targets, which included the pledge that by July 2018, the results of the CCG improvement and assessment framework for 2017-18 would be published.
The document said: “This will continue to include independent assessment of CCG performance for each of cancer, dementia, maternity, mental health, learning disabilities and diabetes.
“With NHS Improvement, ensure commissioners and providers deliver their 2018-19 operational plans, which will deliver year two of locally agreed STPs.”
In terms of obesity, diabetes and prevention over all goals that must be met by 2020 include:
But the objectives that must be met by 2018-19 include: