Brain tumour research to get £18m injection
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Brain tumour research to get £18m injection

This article was taken from: By Nicola Davis The sum is part of a £25m boost in funding by Cancer Research UK for brain cancer over the next five year Brain tumour research is to get an £18 million injection of funding to aid projects ranging from exploring how such cancers begin to developing new ways…

NHS preparing to offer ‘game-changing’ cancer treatment

NHS preparing to offer ‘game-changing’ cancer treatment

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Health editor Health service chief calls for affordable access to CAR-T, which modifies immune system to destroy cancer cells The NHS is preparing to fast-track a “game-changing” cancer treatment into hospitals, its chief executive has said, calling for the manufacturers to help by setting an affordable price. Simon Stevens said CAR-T therapy,…

Six in seven women at high risk of breast cancer shun tamoxifen as a preventative measure

Six in seven women at high risk of breast cancer shun tamoxifen as a preventative measure

This article was taken from: By Cancer Research Six in seven women with a family history of breast cancer opt out of taking tamoxifen as a preventative measure, according to a study funded by Cancer Research UK and published (link is external)in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment *. “It’s vital more work is done to understand these barriers, improve treatments and ensure doctors…

Vaping may raise cancer and heart disease risk, study suggests

Vaping may raise cancer and heart disease risk, study suggests

This article was taken from: By Ian Sample Science editor Nicotine in e-cigarettes may convert into DNA-damaging chemicals, mouse trial indicates, but critics say results are irrelevant to humans Vaping may raise the risk of certain cancers and heart disease, according to a team of scientists who studied the effects of e-cigarette smoke on healthy mice…

‘Drugs are too expensive for the NHS – and people are paying with their lives’

‘Drugs are too expensive for the NHS – and people are paying with their lives’

This article was taken from: By: Robert Hart Don’t blame the NHS for denying vital medication, say members of a new activist group, Just Treatment. Blame the pharma companies hooked on huge profits Arms aloft, activist and breast cancer patient Emma Robertson emerged from the UK headquarters of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer last month wearing a bright blue T-shirt….