Asthma carbon footprint ‘as big as eating meat’
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Asthma carbon footprint ‘as big as eating meat’

This article was taken from: By Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online Many people with asthma could cut their carbon footprint and help save the environment by switching to “greener” medications, UK researchers say. Making the swap would have as big an “eco” impact as turning vegetarian or becoming an avid recycler, they say….

Asthma: Young people in the UK ‘more likely to die’
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Asthma: Young people in the UK ‘more likely to die’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Young people in the UK are more likely to die from asthma than those in other wealthy countries, a report has found. Death rates for asthma in 10 to 24-year-olds was highest in the UK among all 14 European nations included in an analysis of…

NHS decision to fund new asthma drug a ‘beacon of hope’ to thousands
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NHS decision to fund new asthma drug a ‘beacon of hope’ to thousands

This article was taken from: By Henry Bodkin Around 100,000 people suffering from the worst form of asthma will be given access to a £12,000 treatment that promises the chance of a more normal life. Health chiefs have said the NHS will pay for injections of Benralizumab for those who cannot be helped by traditional inhalers or steroids. Patients groups…