Two rashers of bacon a day raises bowel cancer risk by a fifth
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Two rashers of bacon a day raises bowel cancer risk by a fifth

This article was taken from: By Sky news Even moderate amounts of red or processed meat are shown to significantly increase the chances of getting bowel cancer. Sticking to NHS guidelines on how much red or processed meat people should eat still increases the risk of bowel cancer by 20%, according to new research. The…

Calls for bowel cancer screening access for over-74s in Wales
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Calls for bowel cancer screening access for over-74s in Wales

This article was taken from: By BBC Healthcare news A bowel cancer charity is calling for more older people in Wales to be able to access free screening kits. Currently, only people aged 60 to 74 in Wales are invited to be screened every two years for the disease. Bowel Cancer UK said those aged…

Are genetic tests useful to predict cancer?
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Are genetic tests useful to predict cancer?

This article was taken from: By Hannah Devlin at the Guardian news The health secretary’s call for tests to be rolled out on NHS was met with controversy The health secretary, Matt Hancock, this week shared his shock at discovering that he is at greater than average risk for prostate cancer, despite having no family history of…

‘Baby Grady’ gives hope to infertile boys with cancer
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‘Baby Grady’ gives hope to infertile boys with cancer

This article was taken from: By James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News Scientists say they have made a significant leap towards helping boys with cancer stay fertile, thanks to a baby monkey called Grady. Cancer treatment can damage a boy’s undeveloped testes and leaves a third of survivors infertile in adulthood. Baby Grady is the…

DIY smear tests may help combat falling cervical cancer screening rates
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DIY smear tests may help combat falling cervical cancer screening rates

This article was taken from: By Press Association NHS England pilot scheme of ‘self-sample’ kits will allow women to test for HPV at home Women will be able to conduct tests for HPV at home as part of a pilot scheme to combat the low up-take of cervical cancer screenings in England. Robert Music, chief…