Cervical cancer could be eradicated in three decades, experts claim
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Cervical cancer could be eradicated in three decades, experts claim

This article was taken from: https://www.biggleswadetoday.co.uk/news/health/cervical-cancer-could-be-eradicated-in-three-decades-experts-claim-1-8824236 By Laura Hutchinson at Biggleswade Chronicle Cervical cancer could effectively be eliminated from the UK in around three decades, experts have claimed. An estimated nine women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in Central Bedfordshire every year, according to the most recent figures from Public Health England. That’s a rate of…

Could we soon be able to detect cancer in 10 minutes?
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Could we soon be able to detect cancer in 10 minutes?

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/feb/24/the-10-minute-test-for-cancer-pioneering-methods-blood-test-detection-tumours-lung-breast-colorectal By Zoë Corbyn at the Guardian Pioneering methods are being developed to find traces of tumours quickly in small blood samples About seven years ago, researchers at the US DNA sequencing company Illumina started to notice something odd. A new blood test it ran on 125,000 expectant mothers looking for genetic abnormalities such as…

‘Magic bullet’ drug effective against hard-to-treat breast cancer, says expert
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‘Magic bullet’ drug effective against hard-to-treat breast cancer, says expert

This article was taken from: https://home.bt.com/news/science-news/magic-bullet-drug-effective-against-hard-to-treat-breast-cancer-says-expert-11364338042894 By BT News The drug that is designed to home-in on cancer cells could change clinical practice, says study leader. An experimental “magic bullet” drug has the potential to change the way women are treated for one of the most deadly forms of breast cancer, an expert has said. Sacituzumab,…

NHS to screen for lung cancer in trucks in supermarket car parks
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NHS to screen for lung cancer in trucks in supermarket car parks

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/feb/08/nhs-to-screen-for-lung-cancer-in-trucks-in-supermarket-car-parks By Denis Campbell, health policy editor Health chiefs hope £70m spend will save lives in areas with high death rates from disease The NHS is spending £70m placing mobile scanning trucks in supermarket car parks in a bid to cut deaths from lung cancer by encouraging patients to undergo a check-up. NHS England…

Imperial researchers awarded £1.3 million to fight prostate cancer
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Imperial researchers awarded £1.3 million to fight prostate cancer

This article was taken from: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/190146/imperial-researchers-awarded-13-million-fight/ By Maxine Myers at Imperial College London Prostate Cancer UK has awarded Imperial researchers over £1.3 million for three projects that could lead to new treatments for the disease. The Research Innovation Awards is a prestigious scheme aimed at funding the most impactful research in prostate cancer.  The number of prostate cancer…