Proton beam failure leaves hundreds of child cancer patients at risk
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Proton beam failure leaves hundreds of child cancer patients at risk

This article was taken from: By Justin Stoneman  & Henry Bodkin st the Telegraph news Hundreds of children with cancer are resorting to inferior treatment because of a failure to open two flagship specialist centres, experts have warned. NHS officials have admitted that no patient has yet received state-of-the-art proton beam therapy (PBT) at either its new London or Manchester…

More tests key to raising English cancer survival rates – charity
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More tests key to raising English cancer survival rates – charity

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Health editor Many more people who go to see their GP with possible cancer symptoms need to be sent for hospital tests if England is to have a hope of bringing survival rates up to the level of equivalent countries, according to a report. The report by a team…

Cancer care: England still lagging behind the best
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Cancer care: England still lagging behind the best

This article was taken from: By Nick Triggle Health correspondent at the BBC News England has failed to close the gap on the best-performing nations when it comes to cancer care despite 20 years of trying, analysis suggests. The review by the Health Foundation of the government’s record between 1995 and 2015 said that despite four strategies…

NHS replaces highest-spend drug with £300m cheaper alternative
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NHS replaces highest-spend drug with £300m cheaper alternative

This article was taken from: By Alexandra Heal Purchase of ‘biosimilar’ version of adalimumab, used to treat a range of conditions, may free up funds for more nurses The NHS is set to make a record-breaking saving after reaching deals with manufacturers on low-cost “biosimilar” versions of its most expensive drug, according to the health service’s chief executive…

NHS Wales aims to speed up cancer diagnosis for all
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NHS Wales aims to speed up cancer diagnosis for all

This article was taken from: By  Owain ClarkeBBC Wales health correspondent Wales will become the first UK nation to introduce a new single waiting time target for cancer patients. It is an effort to speed up diagnosis and improve poor survival rates for the 17,000 patients who get it every year. The clock will start…