Doctors should be able to prescribe medical cannabis, Home Office adviser concludes
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Doctors should be able to prescribe medical cannabis, Home Office adviser concludes

This article was taken from: By Alex Matthews-King Health Correspondent Second part of review ordered by home secretary calls for drug laws to be relaxed and says government should ‘promptly’ set up definition of medical-grade marijuana Doctors should be allowed to prescribe medical cannabis to patients who need it, the second stage of a Home Office-ordered review…

NHS opt-in transplant policy at risk due to cuts and staff stress
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NHS opt-in transplant policy at risk due to cuts and staff stress

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Report shows transplant service short of necessary skilled staff and equipment Plans to save hundreds of lives by making everyone in England a potential organ donor could fail because hospitals are so short of transplant surgeons and specialist nurses, the NHS’s own analysis of the policy…

NHS funding to focus on cancer and mental health
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NHS funding to focus on cancer and mental health

This article was taken from: By Paul Kelso, health correspondent With vacancies for up to 100,000 doctors and nurses, recruitment will be key to improving outcomes, NHS England’s head warns. The NHS needs to recruit thousands of nurses and doctors to help improve outcomes in cancer care and mental health provision, NHS England’s chief executive…

Seeing the same doctor over time ‘lowers death rates’
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Seeing the same doctor over time ‘lowers death rates’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Patients who see the same doctor again and again have lower death rates, a study suggests. The benefits applied to visits to GPs and specialists and were seen across different cultures and health systems. University of Exeter researchers said the human aspect of medical practice was…

Scottish doctors warning over a profession ‘pushed to the brink’
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Scottish doctors warning over a profession ‘pushed to the brink’

This article was taken from: By Auslan Cramb, scottish correspondent Doctors warn Scottish Government to ‘listen and respond’ Just three per cent of Scottish doctors believe the NHS is adequately resourced, according to a BMA survey that reveals a profession “pushed to the brink”. In a stark warning about the future of the health service the survey…