NHS denies flu vaccine shortage amid complaints over delays
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NHS denies flu vaccine shortage amid complaints over delays

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/oct/21/nhs-denies-flu-vaccine-shortage-amid-complaints-over-delays By Ben Quinn The NHS and healthcare bodies have sought to offer assurances that there are adequate supplies of the flu vaccine amid mounting unease among older people who have been unable to get the jab at surgeries and pharmacies outside of London. Deliveries of this year’s adjuvanted trivalent vaccine (aTIV) – a new,…

‘Treatment may extend advanced breast cancer survival’
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‘Treatment may extend advanced breast cancer survival’

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45915431 By  Alex TherrienHealth reporter, BBC News Combining a pioneering drug with hormone therapy may extend the survival of some women with advanced breast cancer, a trial suggests. Women who received palbociclib and hormone therapy lived up to 10 months longer than those given hormone treatment alone. It also delayed the time…

Can picture books meet the crisis in children’s mental health?
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Can picture books meet the crisis in children’s mental health?

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/oct/18/can-picture-books-meet-the-crisis-in-childrens-mental-health By Donna Ferguson at The Guardian newspaper With more and more children seeking psychological help, Matt Haig is one of a wave of authors trying to reach troubled youngsters with stories Matt Haig is feeling hopeful. His first ever illustrated story, The Truth Pixie, is published in the UK on Thursday –…

Mental health group calls for improvements to HMP Grampian services
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Mental health group calls for improvements to HMP Grampian services

This article was taken from: https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/news/north-east/1588808/mental-health-group-calls-for-improvements-to-hmp-grampian-services/ By David Proctor at The Press and Journal A watchdog is calling for improvements to be made at a north-east super jail so inmates do not miss mental health appointments. Inspectors from the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland visited HMP Grampian in the summer. At the time of the inspection…

Patients with eating disorders told they are  ‘Not thin enough’ for treatment
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Patients with eating disorders told they are ‘Not thin enough’ for treatment

This article was taken from: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/eating-disorder-thin-bmi-nhs-doctors-anorexia-bulimia-mp-wera-hobhouse-a8587831.html By Sabrina Barr An MP has issued a warning over the danger of not treating patients for eating disorders unless they’re deemed “thin enough” by health professionals. Wera Hobhouse, a Liberal Democrat politician and MP for Bath, was speaking during a Westminster Hall debate on eating disorders, which took place this week. She began by…