NHS fees for maternity care ‘putting migrant mothers at risk’
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NHS fees for maternity care ‘putting migrant mothers at risk’

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/sep/18/nhs-fees-maternity-care-putting-migrant-mothers-at-risk By Amelia Hill Vulnerable women becoming distressed by legacy of ‘hostile environment’, report says Migrant mothers and their babies are being put at risk because they are too frightened of incurring large debts and falling victim to the so-called hostile environment immigration policy to access vital medical care, a report has…

40,000 volunteers sought for largest ever UK study of depression
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40,000 volunteers sought for largest ever UK study of depression

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/sep/18/40000-volunteers-sought-for-largest-ever-uk-study-of-depression By Guardian News Researchers are asking people who have suffered from depression and anxiety to provide DNA samples so they can look for common genes Genetic links to anxiety and depression are to be explored in the largest ever study into the issue, experts have announced. Researchers are calling on…

Alcohol-free months are all the rage – but will a sober October lead to long-term health benefits?
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Alcohol-free months are all the rage – but will a sober October lead to long-term health benefits?

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/sep/17/alcohol-free-months-are-all-the-rage-but-will-a-sober-october-lead-to-long-term-health-benefits By Amy Fleming Dry January is already popular, and people are being encouraged to take a break from alcohol next month, too. Does this make a big difference, or should we be finding new ways to drink less? One of the biggest problems with alcohol is that it is so deeply…

Targeted treatment for melanoma to be free on NHS
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Targeted treatment for melanoma to be free on NHS

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-45522796 By BBC Health news Hundreds of patients with a type of aggressive skin cancer will be offered a targeted therapy on the NHS in England and Wales, which reduces the risk of it returning. At present, they have to hope their cancer will not return after surgery. The drug has…

Health board says Brexit poses ‘very high’ risk of disruption
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Health board says Brexit poses ‘very high’ risk of disruption

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-45498319 By Glenn CampbellBBC political correspondent A major health board has warned there is a “very high” risk that Brexit could cause disruption to its services. NHS Lanarkshire said it was working with the Scottish government to identify potential problems. A wider BBC investigation has uncovered NHS concerns that leaving the EU…