Motor neurone disease ‘linked to cholesterol’
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Motor neurone disease ‘linked to cholesterol’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Scientists say they have discovered a possible underlying cause of the neurological disorder, motor neurone disease (MND). The University of Exeter team says it has found evidence that MND is linked to an imbalance of cholesterol and other fats in cells. It says the research…

New recruitment bid to address NHS care demands
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New recruitment bid to address NHS care demands

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Plans to increase staffing levels to deal with growing demands in health and social care have been outlined by the Scottish government. It will recruit 375 district nurses by 2024 in a bid to boost the amount of people receiving care at home. The plan…

Europe is woefully unprepared for future deadly disease outbreaks
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Europe is woefully unprepared for future deadly disease outbreaks

This article was taken from: By Dr Ricardo Baptista Leite As the World Health Organization (WHO) confirms outbreaks of measles across 187 countries, potentially indicating the early warning signs of a new global pandemic, the truth is that neither the European nor the global health system are ready for another viral or bacterial outbreak….

Malnutrition and obesity now a global problem, say experts
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Malnutrition and obesity now a global problem, say experts

This article was taken from: By Sarah Boseley Health editor One in three low- and middle-income countries affected as junk food and sugary drinks reach every corner of globe Babies and children who have been stunted for lack of food are also in danger of obesity in poor countries, as junk food and sugary…

Many at risk of flu this Christmas, experts say
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Many at risk of flu this Christmas, experts say

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Hundreds of thousands of people could have their Christmas ruined by flu, say England’s top doctors, who are predicting a rise in cases. They say the flu season has started early this year, with lots of the virus circulating. GP consultations for flu-like illness were…