‘Revolutionary’ drug for prostate cancer
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‘Revolutionary’ drug for prostate cancer

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-49877843 By BBC Health news Olaparib could become a revolutionary treatment for prostate cancer – the first genetically targeted drug for fighting the disease, say experts. The precision medicine is already used by the NHS for ovarian cancer and has been called a game-changer by cancer doctors. A cancer conference heard how,…

NHS body criticised over Experian patient checks scheme
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NHS body criticised over Experian patient checks scheme

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/sep/30/nhs-body-criticised-over-experian-patient-checks-scheme By PA Media Guardian News NHS Improvement did not check rules before promoting pilot scheme to hospital trusts A NHS body urged hospitals to work with the credit reference agency Experian to check whether patients could receive free treatment, in an effort to tackle health tourism. Documents seen by the Health Service…

Advanced melanoma: Dual drugs increase survival of ‘untreatable’ cancer – study
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Advanced melanoma: Dual drugs increase survival of ‘untreatable’ cancer – study

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/advanced-melanoma-dual-drugs-increase-survival-of-untreatable-cancer-study-11821530 By Sky News A decade ago, only one in 20 sufferers would survive for five years, with many living for just six to nine months. Patients with a skin cancer once thought untreatable can see their survival chances increase by 50% with a dual drug cocktail, a study indicates….

Inequalities in heart attack care ‘costing women’s lives’
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Inequalities in heart attack care ‘costing women’s lives’

This article was taken from: By  Dominic HughesHealth correspondent, BBC News Women who suffer heart attacks are dying needlessly because they fail to recognise their symptoms and receive poorer care than men, says a British Heart Foundation report. Over 10 years, more than 8,000 women in England and Wales died unnecessarily after a heart attack,…

‘Why should I stop working just because I have dementia?’
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‘Why should I stop working just because I have dementia?’

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/stories-49745526 By  Jon KellyBBC Stories It’s not unusual for people of working age to be diagnosed with dementia. Many are perfectly capable of carrying on for years – but employers often don’t realise it. Each time IT consultant Doug Banks goes for a job interview – and he’s had two…