Parkinson’s results beyond researchers’ wildest dreams
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Parkinson’s results beyond researchers’ wildest dreams

To read more click on the link: By Pallab Ghosh Science correspondent, BBC News A treatment that has restored the movement of patients with chronic Parkinson’s disease has been developed by Canadian researchers. Previously housebound patients are now able to walk more freely as a result of electrical stimulation to their spines. A quarter of patients have…

Mental health patients detained in hospital wards for up to 21 years
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Mental health patients detained in hospital wards for up to 21 years

This article was taken from: By Sarah Marsh at The Guardian Guardian finds many people confined far from families, sometimes for decades A patient locked in a secure ward for more than 21 years is among hundreds of people with mental health problems being kept in what one MP has called “old-style asylums” in NHS hospitals, an investigation can…

Skipping breakfast ‘could increase risk of dying from heart disease’
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Skipping breakfast ‘could increase risk of dying from heart disease’

This article was taken from: By Florence Snead at I News UK More than half of participants said they ate breakfast every day Skipping breakfast on a regular basis could be linked to an increased risk of dying from heart disease, research suggests. The decision to shun the meal is also a behavioural marker for unhealthy lifestyle habits, the study…

NHS non-disclosure agreements to end, vows Matt Hancock
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NHS non-disclosure agreements to end, vows Matt Hancock

This article was taken from: Health secretary says staff should not have to compromise their job for patient safety The health secretary has vowed to end the use of non-disclosure agreements that prevent would-be NHS whistleblowers speaking out. Matt Hancock said he wants more people to feel they can “put their head above the parapet”, and described settlement…

Healthcare for the homeless: ‘I probably wouldn’t be alive without them’
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Healthcare for the homeless: ‘I probably wouldn’t be alive without them’

This article was taken: By  Sarah Portlock BBC News Homeless people face various challenges: where to find the next meal; where to seek shelter on a cold night; how to protect themselves from the threat of violence. A specialist service in Birmingham is trying to make life easier for them in one specific area – where…