Pig brains partially revived four hours after death
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Pig brains partially revived four hours after death

This article was taken from: By James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News US scientists have partially revived pig brains four hours after the animals were slaughtered. The findings could fuel debate about the barrier between life and death, and provide a new way of researching diseases like Alzheimer’s. The study showed the death of…

Technology to keep dementia patients out of hospital
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Technology to keep dementia patients out of hospital

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-47951425 By BBC Health news Sensors small enough to fit in the ear, robotic devices and sleep monitors could all become standard technology in the homes of people with dementia, scientists say. The idea is to keep people safe and independent in their own homes, rather than needing to go to…

Two rashers of bacon a day raises bowel cancer risk by a fifth
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Two rashers of bacon a day raises bowel cancer risk by a fifth

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/two-rashers-of-bacon-a-day-raises-bowel-cancer-risk-by-a-fifth-11695822 By Sky news Even moderate amounts of red or processed meat are shown to significantly increase the chances of getting bowel cancer. Sticking to NHS guidelines on how much red or processed meat people should eat still increases the risk of bowel cancer by 20%, according to new research. The…

One in four NHS wards has dangerously low numbers of nurses, researchers find
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One in four NHS wards has dangerously low numbers of nurses, researchers find

This article was taken from: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/nhs-hospital-wards-nurse-shortage-staff-healthcare-a8871546.html By Jane Dalton at the Independent Dilution in skills for hospital patients as healthcare assistants used to shore up staff numbers One in four NHS wards routinely operates at staffing levels so low that patient safety is threatened, experts have warned. Researchers have found that a national shortage of nurses…

Measles cases triple globally in 2019, says UN
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Measles cases triple globally in 2019, says UN

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-47940710 By BBC Health news The number of measles cases reported worldwide in the first three months of 2019 has tripled compared with the same time last year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The UN body said provisional data indicated a “a clear trend”, with all regions of the…