Covid: Self-isolation cut to five full days in England
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Covid: Self-isolation cut to five full days in England

This article was taken from:         By: BBC Health News   The minimum self-isolation period for people testing positive for Covid-19 in England has been cut to five full days.         The quarantine period has been reduced after a review of the medical evidence, to help ease staff…

NHS delivers more than 850,000 top up jabs to most at risk
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NHS delivers more than 850,000 top up jabs to most at risk

This article was taken from:           By NHS news       The NHS has administered more than 850,000 vital top up jabs, as the biggest and most successful vaccination drive in health history continues.             A total of 863,460 people have already had their top…

People aged 16 and 17 urged to get lifesaving COVID vaccine as NHS bookings open
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People aged 16 and 17 urged to get lifesaving COVID vaccine as NHS bookings open

This article was taken from:           By NHS England         People aged 16 and 17 are able to book their COVID-19 jabs through the National Booking Service from today as the NHS vaccination programme pulls out all the stops to protect people ahead of winter.    …

Folic acid to be added to UK flour to help prevent birth defects
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Folic acid to be added to UK flour to help prevent birth defects

This article was taken from: By  Mary O’Connor BBC News   Women are advised to take the B vitamin – which can guard against spina bifida in unborn babies – before and during pregnancy, but many do not.     It is thought that adding folic acid to flour could prevent up to 200 birth defects…

Day care centres: Reduced hours affecting disabled adults, carers say
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Day care centres: Reduced hours affecting disabled adults, carers say

This article was taken from:     By Nelli Bird BBC Health News   About one thousand people have signed a petition to fully reopen day centres for disabled adults.       Sian Thomas, 40, who is mentally and physically disabled, has been visiting Brooklands day centre in Risca five days a week…