Is young people’s mental health getting worse?
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Is young people’s mental health getting worse?

This article was taken from: By Rachel SchraerBBC Reality Check Poor mental health among children and young people has been described as an epidemic and an “escalating crisis”. The number of children seeking help from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Camhs) in England, has more than doubled over the past two years. But establishing how…

Most women give birth in hospital – but it’s got more to do with World War II than health
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Most women give birth in hospital – but it’s got more to do with World War II than health

This article was taken from: By Carly-Emma Leachman Doctoral Researcher/PhD Candiate, Nottingham Trent University NHS maternity services are stretched and infant mortality rates in the UK are some of the worst in Europe. At last count, as many as 97.9% of births took place in hospital – despite the fact that hospital births aren’t always safer. Actually, the reason why the vast…

Breast cancer: Scan younger women at risk, charity says
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Breast cancer: Scan younger women at risk, charity says

This article was taken from: By BBC health news Younger women with a family history of breast cancer should receive annual screenings to pick up the disease earlier, a charity says. Breast Cancer Now funded a study which found cancers were detected sooner when 35 to 39-year-olds at risk had annual mammograms. NHS screening often…

Pencoed academy tackles NHS Wales radiologist shortage
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Pencoed academy tackles NHS Wales radiologist shortage

This article was taken from: By Owain ClarkeBBC Wales health correspondent The head of a new NHS academy believes it can be a “game changer” in training more radiologists to meet a shortfall in Wales. Technological advances mean more and more patients are given scans to help in their diagnosis and treatment. But current staff have…

Mosquitoes ‘put off biting’ by human diet drugs
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Mosquitoes ‘put off biting’ by human diet drugs

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Scientists say they may have found a way to reduce the appetite of blood-hungry mosquitoes, by giving them human diet drugs. This left them feeling full and bloated and put them off biting, US researchers said. They said the technique could be used to prevent illnesses…