Teen one of first UK proton-beam NHS patients
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Teen one of first UK proton-beam NHS patients

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46958785 By https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46958785 Fifteen-year-old Mason Kettley, who has a rare brain cancer, is about to become one of the first NHS UK patients to have proton-beam therapy, at a new dedicated treatment centre. He is starting treatment at the £125m centre at Manchester’s Christie hospital. Previously, most patients needing the treatment had…

New research could advance treatments for people living with damaged hearts
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New research could advance treatments for people living with damaged hearts

This article was taken from: https://www.bhf.org.uk/what-we-do/news-from-the-bhf/news-archive/2019/january/new-research-could-advance-treatments-for-people-living-with-damaged-hearts By The British Heart Foundation Scientists could find a way to rebuild damaged hearts, thanks to new research we have funded. Researchers at the University of Cambridge have discovered that using stem cells to make new heart tissue has the potential to regenerate injured hearts and treat heart failure. Although…

‘Living medicine’ helps make toxic ammonia breakthrough
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‘Living medicine’ helps make toxic ammonia breakthrough

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2019/jan/16/living-medicine-helps-make-toxic-ammonia-breakthrough By Ian Sample Science editor Using genetically modified bugs to prolong life was ‘fanciful’ until recently, says scientist A “living medicine” made from genetically modified bugs has prolonged the lives of animals with severe metabolic disease in a landmark test of the treatment. Researchers created the medicine by making a common strain…

Fears that staffing shortages could hamper cancer strategy
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Fears that staffing shortages could hamper cancer strategy

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-46892932 By BBC Health news Staff shortages could derail the Scottish government’s £100m cancer strategy, a new report has warned. The blueprint for improving care for the 32,000 Scots diagnosed with cancer every year has made significant progress in areas such as prevention and improving survival. But there is a lack…

Air pollution, obesity and vaccine hesitancy climb WHO list of global health threats
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Air pollution, obesity and vaccine hesitancy climb WHO list of global health threats

This article was taken from: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/0/air-pollution-obesity-vaccine-hesitancy-climb-list-global-health/ By  Anne Gulland, global health security correspondent at The Telegraph News Air pollution, obesity and vaccine hesitancy are three of the global health threats the World Health Organization has pledged to make a priority in 2019. In a belated set of new year resolutions WHO has listed the 10 greatest health threats the world faces…