Second rise in student nurse applications ‘very encouraging’
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Second rise in student nurse applications ‘very encouraging’

This article was taken from: By Gemma Mitchell Interest in studying nursing in England has increased for the second year running but the damage caused by the removal of the bursary is still being felt, new figures suggest. Data released today by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) showing applications are continuing on an upward…

Contraception shortage ‘causing utter chaos’
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Contraception shortage ‘causing utter chaos’

This article was taken from: By Nick Triggle Health correspondent A shortage of contraception is causing chaos and risks unplanned pregnancies and abortions, doctors are warning. Leading sexual health experts have written to ministers warning that the supply shortage is beginning to lead to serious problems across the UK. A number of daily pills…

Ban term ‘painkiller’ to end obsession with drugs
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Ban term ‘painkiller’ to end obsession with drugs

This article was taken from: By Nick Triggle Health correspondent The term “painkiller” should not be used, to help bust the myth they cure pain, a government adviser suggests. Prof Jamie Coleman said the phrase raised unrealistic expectations – with “pain-reliever” a better option. Research suggests just one in 10 patients seeking help for…

160,000 medics to be asked how they feel about assisted dying
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160,000 medics to be asked how they feel about assisted dying

This article was taken from: By Sky news The British Medical Association has, since 2006, opposed assisted dying but they’re asking members if they still feel that way. The British Medical Association is asking its members how they feel about its stance on assisted dying. The union’s position since 2006 has been that it…

Coronavirus: Five things you need to know
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Coronavirus: Five things you need to know

This article was taken from: ByBBC Health news Myths around the risks of coronavirus in the UK are doing the rounds. We put the facts straight. There is no need to avoid your local take-away or to stop buying Chinese food or beer from any other outlet. It’s also safe to receive packages and…