Breast cancer charity demands action to avert rise in deaths
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Breast cancer charity demands action to avert rise in deaths

This article was taken from: By Guardian News Death toll projected to climb by 2022 due to increase in incidence of disease and ageing population The number of women dying from breast cancer in the UK could begin to rise within four years, an analysis has shown. A rise in incidence of the disease coupled…

Separating fact from hype in the study of cancer and obesity
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Separating fact from hype in the study of cancer and obesity

This article was taken from: Findings of a report from Cancer Research UK about cancer in women are challenged by David Steinsaltz The recent report by Cancer Research UK (Obesity set to be bigger cause of cancer in women than smoking, 24 September) hypes a very minor and unsurprising result – that the fraction of…

Eating junk food raises risk of depression, says multi-country study
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Eating junk food raises risk of depression, says multi-country study

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Analysis of 41 studies leads to calls for GPs to give dietary advice as part of treatment Eating junk food increases the risk of becoming depressed, a study has found, prompting calls for doctors to routinely give dietary advice to patients as part of their treatment…

Electrical implant helps paralysed people to walk again
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Electrical implant helps paralysed people to walk again

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Three patients, all paralysed from the waist down, have been able to walk again after having an electrical patch fitted to their spinal cords. Experts say the device, which is placed below the injury, helps lost signals from the brain reach the leg muscles. US…

‘More cures, fewer side-effects’ with pioneering radiotherapy machine
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‘More cures, fewer side-effects’ with pioneering radiotherapy machine

This article was taken from: By Fergus Walsh The first patient in the UK has been treated with a pioneering new radiotherapy machine. The MR Linac simultaneously scans tumours inside the body while delivering X-ray radiation beams. It means clinicians can plan and adjust radiotherapy in real time, allowing it to be more accurate than ever…