Radiologist shortage ‘affecting cancer care’ in the UK
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Radiologist shortage ‘affecting cancer care’ in the UK

This article was taken from: By Hugh PymHealth editor A shortage of senior radiologists around the UK is causing delays for patients, and affecting cancer and other medical care. Radiologists’ leaders say the situation is unacceptable and must be tackled by ministers. Figures suggest their workload of reading and interpreting scans has increased by 30% between…

Treatment extends lives of patients with terminal ovarian and lung cancers
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Treatment extends lives of patients with terminal ovarian and lung cancers

This article was taken from: By Guardian news, press association Patients in study had ‘exhausted all other options’ but new combination halted their cancer for an average of 5.8 months A new treatment for patients with advanced ovarian and lung cancer could give them months longer to spend with their loved ones, early trial results…

Promote honey rather than antibiotics for coughs, doctors told
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Promote honey rather than antibiotics for coughs, doctors told

This article was taken from: By Guardian news GPs urged to tell patients to use over-the-counter remedies rather than the drugs Doctors are to be told to promote honey and over-the-counter remedies as the go-to treatment for coughs rather than antibiotics. They will be told not to offer the drugs in most cases and to instead…

Diabetes epidemic ‘will lead to rise in heart attacks and strokes’
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Diabetes epidemic ‘will lead to rise in heart attacks and strokes’

This article was taken from: By Guardian news British Heart Foundation warns of 29% increase in associated illnesses by 2035 The number of heart attacks and strokes in England will soar in the next two decades as the diabetes epidemic sweeping the country takes its toll, a charity has warned. The growing number of people…

NHS fears over no-deal Brexit highlight risk to patients, Labour says
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NHS fears over no-deal Brexit highlight risk to patients, Labour says

This article was taken from: By Haroon Siddique Labour speaks out after letter revealed concerns about shortages of medicines in event of no-deal Brexit NHS trusts’ fears about medicine shortages show that patients are being put at risk by the government’s failure to prepare for a no-deal Brexit, Labour has said. The opposition’s criticism comes after a leaked…