Manchester research aims to slow down heart failure
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Manchester research aims to slow down heart failure

This article was taken from: By Helen Billam We have awarded funding for a new research project at the University of Manchester, which could find a way to slow down the progression of heart failure. Problems with the heart’s natural recycling system can result in the onset and development of heart failure. Autophagy, which…

Short-staffed NHS failing on bowel cancer detection in England
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Short-staffed NHS failing on bowel cancer detection in England

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor Lack of specialists means patients miss out on early diagnoses, charity says The NHS is failing to detect about 1,100 cases of bowel cancer a year in England because diagnostic services are so short-staffed, according to analysis by Cancer Research UK. The charity has said people’s…

Anti-depressant spray not recommended on NHS
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Anti-depressant spray not recommended on NHS

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news A fast acting ketamine-like anti-depressant spray that can lift mood within hours has been rejected by the NHS healthcare watchdog. The National Institute for Health and Care and Excellence (NICE) says there are too many uncertainties about the correlation between the price and clinical benefits…

Cervical cancer cases soaring among women in their late 20s
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Cervical cancer cases soaring among women in their late 20s

This article was taken from: By  Laura Donnelly, health editor Cervical cancer cases are soaring among women in their late 20s, even though the virus behind it has almost been eliminated in younger generations, new figures show. Health experts said poor take-up of smear tests among those aged between 25 and 29 has fuelled a…

NHS pledges elderly rapid response community teams
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NHS pledges elderly rapid response community teams

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Rapid response teams of nurses, physios and care staff are to be on hand within two hours to help sick older people at home in England under new plans. The community crisis teams will be officially piloted in seven areas this year, with the plan…