Healthy habits ‘deliver extra disease-free decade’
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Healthy habits ‘deliver extra disease-free decade’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Women can gain 10 and men seven years of life free of cancer, heart problems and type-2 diabetes from a healthy lifestyle, a study in the BMJ suggests. They must exercise regularly, drink in moderation only, have a healthy weight and good diet and not…

A&E patients face long waits as winter bites
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A&E patients face long waits as winter bites

This article was taken from: By Nick Triggle Health correspondent Huge pressures at hospitals across the NHS over the last month have led to long delays for patients seeking emergency care, figures suggest. The NHS England December data showed record delays in A&E with one in five patients waiting more than four hours. A…

Running marathon cuts years off ‘artery age’
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Running marathon cuts years off ‘artery age’

This article was taken from: By Michelle Roberts Health editor, BBC News online Training for and completing a marathon improves the health of a new runner’s arteries, cutting about four years off their “vascular age”, a study suggests. Researchers from Barts and University College London tested 138 novice runners attempting the London Marathon. Over six…

The risks behind the hype of stem-cell treatments
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The risks behind the hype of stem-cell treatments

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Some private clinics are charging UK patients thousands of pounds for unproven and unregulated treatments using the “healing powers” of stem cells, the BBC has found. And experts are warning some of these “therapies” can cause significant harm. Stem cells can become many types of cells in…

Scientists draw closer to a dementia vaccine
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Scientists draw closer to a dementia vaccine

This article was taken from: By  Tim Newman from Medical News Today Although a vaccine for dementia is a long way down the road, researchers recently made a few tentative steps closer. The authors of a recent study in mice hope that in the coming years, they can move into human trials. Although a…