Exercise advice on food labels could help to tackle the obesity crisis
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Exercise advice on food labels could help to tackle the obesity crisis

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/dec/10/exercise-advice-on-food-labels-could-help-to-tackle-the-obesity-crisis By Nicola Davis Saying how far consumers need to walk to burn off the calories could change eating habits Labelling food and drinks with how much walking or running is needed to burn them off could help tackle the obesity crisis, researchers say. While all packaged food must display…

Free taxis and meals available for NHS nurses over Christmas
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Free taxis and meals available for NHS nurses over Christmas

This article was taken from: https://www.nursingtimes.net/news/charities/free-taxis-and-meals-available-for-nhs-nurses-over-christmas-11-12-2019/ By Megan Ford NHS nurses across England, Scotland and Wales will be able to claim free taxi rides or meals over the Christmas period as part of an initiative to say ‘thank you’ to hardworking staff. For three years, Uber has offered nurses free trips to and from work…

Next NHS staff shortages will include radiographers, as courses close
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Next NHS staff shortages will include radiographers, as courses close

This article was taken from: Next NHS staff shortages will include radiographers, as courses close By Anna Fazackerley Podiatry, prosthetics and mental health nursing degrees also on universities’ ‘at risk’ list after end of bursaries Radiography and nursing degree courses may be at risk of closure, academics are warning – at a time when the NHS is…

Ovarian cancer drug olaparib approved in Scotland as new treatment
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Ovarian cancer drug olaparib approved in Scotland as new treatment

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-50714010 By BBC Health news A maintenance treatment for patients with advanced ovarian cancer has been approved for use in Scotland. Olaparib tablets will now be available for patients with newly-diagnosed BRCA-mutated advanced ovarian cancer who have responded to chemotherapy. A trial has found that for those taking tablets, it…

‘I was addicted to exercise’
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‘I was addicted to exercise’

This article was taken from: bbc.co.uk/news/health-50346131 By Nicola Kelly BBC World Service When does something healthy, such as exercise, become an unhealthy obsession? And can apps make things worse? Sprinting around trees, fallen leaves crunching underfoot, Valerie Stephan looks focused and peaceful on her morning jog. “When I run, I feel like I’m achieving something,”…