Cardiologist Eric Topol: ‘AI can restore the care in healthcare’
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Cardiologist Eric Topol: ‘AI can restore the care in healthcare’

This article was taken from: By Nicola Davis The doctor, geneticist and author talks about his new book on the future of our relationship with medicine Eric Topol is an American cardiologist and geneticist – among his many roles he is founder and director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in California. He has previously…

Operation waiting lists soar after government change to pensions
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Operation waiting lists soar after government change to pensions

This article was taken from: By Paul Kelso, health correspondent One NHS trust says its waiting list for operations has doubled over three months because consultants are not accepting extra work. Waiting lists for operations are soaring as growing numbers of senior doctors turn down extra shifts over changes to pensions. Hospital trust chief…

Patients lives are being put at risk by sepsis delays, figures suggest
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Patients lives are being put at risk by sepsis delays, figures suggest

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor Patients’ lives are being put at risk with one in four of those with suspected sepsis forced to wait too long for treatment, an investigation has found. Hospitals are meant to put patients on an antibiotic drip within an hour when sepsis is suspected –…

Common cold virus could cure cancer, pioneering trial suggests
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Common cold virus could cure cancer, pioneering trial suggests

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor The common cold virus could cure cancer, scientists say, as a “revolutionary” treatment was found to eradicate the disease in a week. In the pioneering British trial, 15 patients were given an infusion of the bug, before undergoing surgery to remove and examine tumours. In…

How good are hospitals at treating ‘hidden killer’?
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How good are hospitals at treating ‘hidden killer’?

This article was taken from: By Nick Triggle Health correspondent Patients’ lives are being put at risk because of delays giving them treatment for sepsis, experts are warning. Hospitals are meant to put patients on an antibiotic drip within an hour when sepsis is suspected – but research by BBC News suggests a quarter…