London is a world leader in reducing HIV according to public health experts
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London is a world leader in reducing HIV according to public health experts

This article was taken from: By National Health Executive News London is a world leader in reducing HIV according to public health experts London is now a world leader in reducing HIV according to the public health experts behind the capital’s new summer prevention campaign. The latest Do It London campaign – run by…

Dementia: New way of learning about everyday difficulties
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Dementia: New way of learning about everyday difficulties

To read more click on the link: By Rick Faragher BBC News NI It’s a town centre unlike any other. About 75 people are wandering through shops made from wood and plaster. The group is diverse. It includes members of the fire service, the voluntary sector, carers and the general public. Crucially, there’s a…

Care homes showcase value of the arts to elderly health and wellbeing reducing stress and boosting confidence
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Care homes showcase value of the arts to elderly health and wellbeing reducing stress and boosting confidence

This article was taken from: By Corazon Miller Elderly residents are receiving the physical and mental benefits of access to the arts world as more care home providers incorporate creativity into their daily timetable. It is the seventh annual Care Home Open Day tomorrow and rest homes around the country are using it as…

Prostate cancer: New urine test hope
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Prostate cancer: New urine test hope

This article was taken from: By Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online An experimental new urine test can reveal if men with early prostate cancer will probably need aggressive therapy or can be left untreated but monitored, UK researchers say. Current PSA blood tests cannot do this, meaning many men experience unnecessary worry, investigations…

NHS will force “virtual GPs” to open face-to-face practices in bid to tackle growing crisis
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NHS will force “virtual GPs” to open face-to-face practices in bid to tackle growing crisis

This article was taken from: By  Laura Donnelly, health editor The NHS will force “virtual GPs” to open physical practices in an attempt to address growing shortages of doctors in many parts of the country. Simon Stevens, the head of the NHS will announce that companies offering NHS patients appointments by Skype must also open a…