Ultra-processed food linked to early death
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Ultra-processed food linked to early death

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-48446924 By James GallagherHealth and science correspondent, BBC News Ultra-processed foods – such as chicken nuggets, ice cream and breakfast cereals – have been linked to early death and poor health, scientists say. Researchers in France and Spain say the amount of such food being eaten has soared. Their studies…

English ‘short-changed on care funding’
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English ‘short-changed on care funding’

This article was taken from:https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-48438132 By  Nick Triggle Health correspondent Public spending on care for the elderly and disabled is much higher in Scotland and Wales than England, figures show. In England, £310 per person is spent each year on services such as care homes and home help for daily tasks such as washing and…

Doctors install replica bus stop inside hospital’s emergency department to help dementia patients feel more relaxed
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Doctors install replica bus stop inside hospital’s emergency department to help dementia patients feel more relaxed

This article was taken from: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/05/28/doctors-install-replica-bus-stop-inside-hospitals-emergency/ By Helena Horton Doctors have installed a fake ‘bus stop’ inside a hospital emergency department to help anxious dementia patients deal with the unfamiliar surroundings. The replica in Southend University Hospital, Essex, includes  a sign, bench and timetable, and patients can feel calmed as they wait at it. It is…

Night shift workers not at greater breast cancer risk, study suggests
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Night shift workers not at greater breast cancer risk, study suggests

This article was taken from: https://www.itv.com/news/2019-05-28/night-shift-workers-not-at-greater-breast-cancer-risk-study-suggests/ By ITV News Night shifts do not increase the risk of breast cancer, a ten-year study of more than 100,000 UK women suggests. The research, published in the British Journal of Cancer, found women who work overnight are no more likely to develop the disease than those who work…

Video calls for the elderly are helping reduce strain on stretched NHS
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Video calls for the elderly are helping reduce strain on stretched NHS

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/video-calls-for-the-elderly-are-helping-reduce-strain-on-stretched-nhs-11728415 By Sky News The service has already prevented 1,000 unnecessary visits to A&E in the last year – and has freed up 2,000 GP appointments. New technologies including video calls are being used in a trial in Manchester to help reduce the strain on stretched NHS services. Sky News…