NHS gene testing misses half of people at risk of cancer, study warns
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NHS gene testing misses half of people at risk of cancer, study warns

This article is taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-60429955               By Alexander Martin Technology reporter               NHS guidelines for genetic testing will miss half of the population that is carrying inherited genetic traits linked to cancer, a new study warns.           The…

Breakthrough spinal cord implant ‘could allow paralysed people to walk again’
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Breakthrough spinal cord implant ‘could allow paralysed people to walk again’

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/breakthrough-spinal-cord-implant-could-allow-paralysed-people-to-walk-again-12535344?dcmp=snt-sf-twitter By Sky news Clinical trials in humans have not yet begun, although the team hopes that they will be able to move to that stage within the next few years.           Scientists have invented a breakthrough spinal cord implant which could enable paralysed people to…

Covid: Self-isolation cut to five full days in England
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Covid: Self-isolation cut to five full days in England

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-60011276         By: BBC Health News   The minimum self-isolation period for people testing positive for Covid-19 in England has been cut to five full days.         The quarantine period has been reduced after a review of the medical evidence, to help ease staff…

NHS delivers more than 850,000 top up jabs to most at risk
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NHS delivers more than 850,000 top up jabs to most at risk

This article was taken from: https://www.england.nhs.uk/2021/10/nhs-delivers-more-than-850000-top-up-jabs-to-most-at-risk/           By NHS news       The NHS has administered more than 850,000 vital top up jabs, as the biggest and most successful vaccination drive in health history continues.             A total of 863,460 people have already had their top…

People aged 16 and 17 urged to get lifesaving COVID vaccine as NHS bookings open
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People aged 16 and 17 urged to get lifesaving COVID vaccine as NHS bookings open

This article was taken from: https://www.england.nhs.uk/2021/09/people-aged-16-and-17-urged-to-get-lifesaving-covid-vaccine-as-nhs-bookings-open/           By NHS England         People aged 16 and 17 are able to book their COVID-19 jabs through the National Booking Service from today as the NHS vaccination programme pulls out all the stops to protect people ahead of winter.    …