Patients in Wales to be tested for bowel cancer gene
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Patients in Wales to be tested for bowel cancer gene

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news All people in Wales diagnosed with bowel cancer will be tested for a linked genetic condition. Sufferers of Lynch syndrome have an up to 80% risk of developing bowel cancer as well as other types of cancer. Currently, only 5% of those with the syndrome in…

Sky Views: When will the penny drop? The pensions crackdown is damaging the NHS
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Sky Views: When will the penny drop? The pensions crackdown is damaging the NHS

This article was taken from: By  Ian King, business presenter at Sky News The German economist Horst Siebert called it the “cobra effect” – an illustration of how a well-intended government policy can, if badly constructed, create perverse incentives in an economy and, ultimately, unwanted consequences. His example concerned how, during the days of the…

Alzheimer’s: University of East Anglia to explore sleep link to brain disease
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Alzheimer’s: University of East Anglia to explore sleep link to brain disease

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News A new sleep and dementia research unit at a university in England hopes to learn more about the link between sleep problems and Alzheimer’s disease. Scientists at the University of East Anglia, in Norwich, will investigate with help from volunteers. Sleep disturbance is common in dementia…

HPV vaccine linked to ‘dramatic’ cervical disease drop
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HPV vaccine linked to ‘dramatic’ cervical disease drop

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news The routine vaccination of girls with the HPV vaccine in Scotland has led to a “dramatic” drop in cervical disease in later life, new research suggests. Human papilomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection and some types are linked to cervical cancer. Researchers said the vaccine…

What is Autism?
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What is Autism?

This article was taken from: By NHS UK Autism is a lifelong condition that affects how people communicate and interact with others. Autism affects people in different ways. But most autistic people see, hear and experience the world differently from people without autism. Autistic people may be given a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder or…