UK patient ‘free’ of HIV after stem cell treatment
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UK patient ‘free’ of HIV after stem cell treatment

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news A UK patient’s HIV has become “undetectable” following a stem cell transplant – in only the second case of its kind, doctors report in Nature. The London patient, who was being treated for cancer, has now been in remission from HIV for 18 months and is no…

Doctors need training in how to ask grieving parents for their children’s organs says NHS, as number of donations plateau
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Doctors need training in how to ask grieving parents for their children’s organs says NHS, as number of donations plateau

This article was taken from: By Sophie Barnes Doctors need training in how to ask grieving parents for their children’s organs NHS Blood and Transplant has said, as the number of organ donations has plateaued. Parents are being urged by the blood and transplant service to consider organ donation when their child dies as new figures show the…

Does our immune system hold the key to beating Alzheimer’s disease?
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Does our immune system hold the key to beating Alzheimer’s disease?

This article was taken from: By Philip Ball Incurable and increasingly prevalent, Alzheimer’s has long puzzled the research community. Now scientists believe the human body may be the best line of defence Half a million people in the UK are living with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia. And while the risks generally increase with…

Quick pregnancy safe after stillbirth, study finds
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Quick pregnancy safe after stillbirth, study finds

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news There is no reason to delay having another baby after a stillbirth, research in the Lancet suggests. Although women are often told to wait for a year before getting pregnant again, there is little evidence to back up this advice. This international study of 14,000 births found…

Salisbury nerve agent attack: Hospital praised for response to novichok poisoning
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Salisbury nerve agent attack: Hospital praised for response to novichok poisoning

This article was taken from: By Paul Keslso, health corespondent at Sky News The Care Quality Commission has rated the hospital as “outstanding” following the nerve agent incident almost a year ago. Salisbury Hospital has been praised by regulators for its response to the novichok nerve agent attack that killed one woman and left four others…