Air pollution levels ‘forcing families to move out of cities’
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Air pollution levels ‘forcing families to move out of cities’

This article was taken from: By: Jamie Doward As diesel emission fears mount, a growing number of parents now consider clean air the main factor when choosing a school An increasing number of parents are shunning good schools because of the local air quality while some are even looking to move out of cities altogether,…

UK cancer and children’s wards being hit by closures
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UK cancer and children’s wards being hit by closures

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor NHS staffing crisis is forcing patients to travel long distances for treatment as services are centralised Growing numbers of hospital units that provide cancer care and children’s services are among those being forced to shut because the NHS’s deepening staffing crisis means it has too few doctors and…

A 15-minute scan could help diagnose brain damage in newborns
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A 15-minute scan could help diagnose brain damage in newborns

This article was taken from: By Kate Wighton A 15-minute scan could help diagnose brain damage in babies up to two years earlier than current methods. In a study of over 200 babies at seven hospitals across the UK and the USA, researchers found the brain scan, called magnetic resonance (MR) spectroscopy, predicted damage with 98…

Google accused of ‘trust demolition’ over health app
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Google accused of ‘trust demolition’ over health app

This article was taken from: By Jane WakefieldTechnology reporter A controversial health app developed by artificial intelligence firm DeepMind will be taken over by Google, it has been revealed. Streams was first used to send alerts in a London hospital but hit headlines for gathering data on 1.6 million patients without informing them. DeepMind now wants…

Child-size gender neutral uniforms aim to challenge nursing image
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Child-size gender neutral uniforms aim to challenge nursing image

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Primary schoolchildren in Aberdeen and Edinburgh are being given miniature nurse uniforms in a bid to challenge perceptions of the profession. The NHS is concerned typical child costumes – often still featuring a cape and hat – simplify the modern job, and could lead to possible…