New support launched for disabled adults to improve health
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New support launched for disabled adults to improve health

This article was taken from: By Public Health England A PHE world-leading evidence review and UK Chief Medical Officer physical activity infographic has been launched for disabled adults. There are potentially around 3.5 million disabled adults at greater risk of poor health due to inactivity, and evidence shows they are twice as likely to be inactive…

Care for elderly prisoners ‘inconsistent and only set to get worse’, finds report
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Care for elderly prisoners ‘inconsistent and only set to get worse’, finds report

This article was taken from: By May Bulman Social Affairs Correspondent at the Independent Newspaper Government and councils failing to plan for the future needs of growing population of elderly, ill and frail inmates, warns watchdog Elderly prisoners are not always receiving the care they need, with some struggling to wash themselves and others not getting help when…

Folic acid to be added to UK flour in effort to reduce birth defects
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Folic acid to be added to UK flour in effort to reduce birth defects

This article was taken from: By Denis Campbell Health policy editor at the Guardian news Exclusive: ministers finally overcome food industry objections on compulsory fortification All flour is to be fortified with folic acid after ministers swung behind a plan that medical experts say will reduce the number of babies born in the UK with serious birth defects,…

Dance lessons for the lonely – on the NHS
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Dance lessons for the lonely – on the NHS

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news GPs in England are being given permission to prescribe patients “social” activities, such as dance classes, to tackle loneliness. The strategy, announced by Prime Minister Theresa May, will also see postal delivery workers checking in on isolated people during their rounds. The government says about 200,000…

New checks to crack down on free prescription fraud
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New checks to crack down on free prescription fraud

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Patients claiming free prescriptions in England face checks before medicine is issued in an effort to stamp out fraud. Prescription fraud currently costs the NHS in England an estimated £256m a year. A new digitised system to be piloted next year will mean pharmacies can instantly…