Infant mortality in England will be 140% higher than EU states by 2030 without radical action, report warns
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Infant mortality in England will be 140% higher than EU states by 2030 without radical action, report warns

This article was taken from: By Alex Matthews-Kings, at the Independent Children in England are more likely to die in infancy than their European counterparts and are set to be left further behind on a range of health measures unless the government and NHS act now, a major report warns. Infant mortality is nearly a third…

Doctors can prescribe medical cannabis from November in UK
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Doctors can prescribe medical cannabis from November in UK

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Doctors will be able to prescribe cannabis products to patients from 1 November, the Home Secretary Sajid Javid says. The new regulations apply to England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Mr Javid decided to relax the rules on when cannabis products could be given to patients…

NHS England staff must explain if they refuse to have flu jab
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NHS England staff must explain if they refuse to have flu jab

This article was taken from: By Dominic HughesHealth correspondent, BBC News Health workers in England who refuse to take up the offer of a free flu jab will be asked to explain why they do not want to be vaccinated. The measures have been introduced in an effort to cut sickness rates and protect patients over…

UK’s healthcare plummets on global efficiency tables
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UK’s healthcare plummets on global efficiency tables

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor British healthcare has fallen 14 places on global league tables for healthcare efficiency, and is behind countries such as Chile, Algeria and the Czech republic. British healthcare has fallen 14 places on global league tables for healthcare efficiency, and is behind countries such as Chile, Algeria and…

The NHS in numbers: What the service does in one day
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The NHS in numbers: What the service does in one day

This article was taken from: By  Darren McKenzie The NHS is huge. It’s the world’s fifth-biggest employer and around 10% of government spending in the UK goes on it, so it’s easy to get bogged down by the numbers. So let’s break it down. What does the NHS do in a single day? Figures given to…