Antidepressant withdrawal ‘hits millions’
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Antidepressant withdrawal ‘hits millions’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Millions of people get bad side-effects trying to cut down on or come off antidepressants, a large review says. The All Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence review suggests half of patients have withdrawal symptoms and for half of these the symptoms will be severe. Patients should…

Cancer patients to be promised diagnosis within three weeks
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Cancer patients to be promised diagnosis within three weeks

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor Patients who visit the GP with possible signs of cancer will be promised a diagnosis within three weeks, under radical new Government proposals. The new policy will mean millions more patients will be offered CT and MRI scans via mobile units set up in supermarkets and shopping centres across the country….

EpiPen users told they can use some devices past normal expiry date
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EpiPen users told they can use some devices past normal expiry date

This article was taken from: By Alex TherrienHealth reporter, BBC News People with severe allergies have been told they can use their EpiPens past their normal expiry date, amid a continuing shortage of the devices. The medicines regulator said it had agreed to extend the use-by date of some 0.3mg EpiPens by four months. It comes…

NHS should prescribe crash diet replacing meals with shakes and nutrition bars to tackle obesity, scientists say
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NHS should prescribe crash diet replacing meals with shakes and nutrition bars to tackle obesity, scientists say

This article was taken from: By Alex Matthews-King Health Correspondent Eating shakes, soups and meal replacement bars for three meals a day helped obese patients lose nearly four times as much weight as those told to eat healthily and cut calories, a study has found. Oxford University researchers have reported “total meal replacement” diets, which restrict participants to just 810 calories per day for eight…

Are we really on the brink of a cure for Alzheimer’s?
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Are we really on the brink of a cure for Alzheimer’s?

This article was taken from: By Dean Burnett The headlines claim treatment will be available within six years. The reality is a lot more complex A new study has inspired headlines claiming a cure for Alzheimer’s disease could be available within six years – but are we genuinely on the verge of an effective treatment? Given the…