AI ‘outperforms’ doctors diagnosing breast cancer
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AI ‘outperforms’ doctors diagnosing breast cancer

This article was taken from: By Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent Artificial intelligence is more accurate than doctors in diagnosing breast cancer from mammograms, a study in the journal Nature suggests. An international team, including researchers from Google Health and Imperial College London, designed and trained a computer model on X-ray images from nearly 29,000 women. The algorithm outperformed…

Free NHS hospital parking for thousands in ‘greatest need’
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Free NHS hospital parking for thousands in ‘greatest need’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Thousands more NHS patients and visitors will be able to access free hospital car parking, the government says. From April, all 206 hospital trusts in England will be expected to begin offering the concession in line with the government’s manifesto promise. Those with the “greatest need”…

NHS ‘prehab’ fitness plan aims to cut recovery time for cancer patients
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NHS ‘prehab’ fitness plan aims to cut recovery time for cancer patients

This article was taken from: By PA Media Exercise can help reduce side-effects of chemotherapy and amount of time spent in hospital, say doctors The NHS is hoping a new pre-treatment fitness programme will lead to better odds of survival for thousands of cancer patients. People who have been diagnosed with the disease are being given…

‘Nurses should remember the unique role they play in the NHS and across wider care settings’
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‘Nurses should remember the unique role they play in the NHS and across wider care settings’

This article was taken from: By Katie Whitehead, practice nurse  I don’t know what most of the general public think a practice nurse does. I don’t even know what I thought a practice nurse did before I became one. Probably something along the lines of looking after wounds and giving vaccinations. In fact, as…

Christmas: Beware ‘lethal’ button batteries in toys
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Christmas: Beware ‘lethal’ button batteries in toys

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Sophie Skill, from Sheffield, spent days on life support after she swallowed a coin-sized button battery. Battery acid burned through her gullet (oesophagus) and into her lung, causing agonising pain and putting her life in danger. Doctors say her case is not unique – about…