Cystic fibrosis drug given green light in England
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Cystic fibrosis drug given green light in England

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News A life-extending drug for cystic fibrosis will be available on the NHS in England, health bosses say. NHS England reached a deal with the manufacturers of Orkambi, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, after months of negotiations. Patients should be able to get the drug within 30 days. The…

First drug that can slow Alzheimer’s dementia
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First drug that can slow Alzheimer’s dementia

This article was taken from: By  Michelle RobertsHealth editor, BBC News online A US drug company says it has created the first therapy that could slow Alzheimer’s disease, and it is now ready to bring it to market. Currently, there are no drugs that can do this – existing ones only help with symptoms….

Pledge to help nurses tackle conversations about childhood obesity
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Pledge to help nurses tackle conversations about childhood obesity

This article was taken from: By Jo Stephenshon Leading nursing organisations have pledged to support nurses, midwives, health visitors and other professionals to have tricky conversations about children’s weight as part of efforts to tackle a national childhood obesity crisis. The Royal College of Nursing and Royal College of Midwives are among a group…

Eating disorders: Over-65s unable to access some clinics
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Eating disorders: Over-65s unable to access some clinics

This article was taken from: By Meghan Owen and Anna AdamsBBC Victoria Derbyshire programme Over-65s with eating disorders are being prevented from accessing some specialist clinics despite NHS England saying they are open to all ages, the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme has found. For some, such support is seen as essential in keeping them…

Number of over 85s in UK to double in 25 years, amid fears of social care crisis escalating
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Number of over 85s in UK to double in 25 years, amid fears of social care crisis escalating

This article was taken from: By Gabriella Swerling, social affairs editor The number of over 85s in the UK is set to double within the next 25 years, new data reveals, amid fears of the social care crisis escalating. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has today published data showing national population projections. Researchers found…