Cancer research: Scientists seek clues to how disease ‘is born’
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Cancer research: Scientists seek clues to how disease ‘is born’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News British and American scientists are teaming up to search for the earliest signs of cancer in a bid to detect and treat the disease before it emerges They plan to “give birth” to cancer in the lab to see exactly what it looks like “on…

Air pollution ‘triggers hundreds more heart attacks and strokes’
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Air pollution ‘triggers hundreds more heart attacks and strokes’

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news Sudden spikes in air pollution in the UK trigger hundreds more heart attacks, strokes and acute asthma attacks on those days, research suggests. A team at King’s College London looked at data from London, Birmingham, Bristol, Derby, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Oxford and Southampton. Days when…

Microphone could diagnose ‘noisy’ arthritic knees
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Microphone could diagnose ‘noisy’ arthritic knees

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Technology used by engineers to listen for faults in bridges could be used to diagnose ‘noisy’ arthritic knees, a study suggests. It involved a tiny microphone being attached to participants’ knees to pick up high-frequency sounds. Although not audible to humans, the waveforms can be…

Fat found in overweight people’s lungs
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Fat found in overweight people’s lungs

This article was taken from: By BBC Health News Fatty tissue has been found in the lungs of overweight and obese people for the first time. Australian researchers analysed lung samples from 52 people and found the amount of fat increased in line with body mass index. They said their findings could explain why…

Mental health hospital to hand out free e-cigarettes to those trying to quit smoking
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Mental health hospital to hand out free e-cigarettes to those trying to quit smoking

This article was taken from: By Laura Donnelly, health editor One of the UK’s largest mental health hospitals is to hand out free e-cigarettes to those trying to quit smoking, in a deal with a vaping retailer. The trust said it would help patients “transform” their health. But critics last night said the deal –…