Heart transplant waiting lists reach record high, with doubling in number waiting
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Heart transplant waiting lists reach record high, with doubling in number waiting

This article was taken from: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/09/23/heart-transplant-waiting-lists-reach-record-high-doubling-number/ By Laura Donnelly, health editor Heart transplant waiting lists reach record high, with doubling in number waiting Heart transplant waiting lists are at a record high, with the numbers waiting more than doubling in a decade. Experts said the number of hearts donations is failing to keep pace with growing…

All elderly people to get free personal care under £6bn Labour plan
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All elderly people to get free personal care under £6bn Labour plan

This article was taken from: https://news.sky.com/story/all-elderly-people-to-get-free-personal-care-under-6bn-labour-plan-11817477 By Greg Heffer, political reporter, in Brighton Announcing the plan in his conference speech, shadow chancellor John McDonnell will describe social care as a “national scandal” All elderly people will be given free help in their own homes with washing, preparing meals, and getting in and out of bed…

Would you recognise a gradual-onset heart attack?
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Would you recognise a gradual-onset heart attack?

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/sep/22/would-you-recognise-a-gradual-onset-heart-attack By Amy Fleming We think of an attack as a ‘big bang’, but the symptoms can build over hours or days – and even doctors can misinterpret them In spring 2018, Tim Walker was working on a PhD in microbiology. Over the course of a week, he started feeling a…

Alexa’s robotic voice leaving dementia patients ‘deeply distressed’, social care report finds
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Alexa’s robotic voice leaving dementia patients ‘deeply distressed’, social care report finds

This article was taken from: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/09/22/alexas-robotic-voice-leaving-dementia-patients-deeply-distressed/ By Mike Wright Amazon Alexa’s robotic voice is causing “deep distress” for dementia patients by telling them to take their medicine, a new report has warned. The technology think tank, Doteveryone, said older social care patients were often left confused by new gadgets and fearful they would replace contact with…

‘Like a sunburn on your lungs’: how does the climate crisis impact health?
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‘Like a sunburn on your lungs’: how does the climate crisis impact health?

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/sep/16/climate-crisis-health-risks-extreme-weather By Emily Holden in Washington Children, pregnant people and the elderly are the most at risk from extreme weather and heat – but the impact is already felt across every specialty of medicine The climate crisis is making people sicker – worsening illnesses ranging from seasonal allergies to heart and…