Hackers could invade NHS systems to ‘fake’ or hide cancer on scans
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Hackers could invade NHS systems to ‘fake’ or hide cancer on scans

This article was taken from: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/07/02/hackers-could-invade-nhs-systems-fake-hide-cancer-scans/ By Laura Donnelly, health editor Hackers could invade NHS systems and maliciously edit medical scans to “fake” or hide cancer, a new report warns. The study by former health minister Lord Darzi warns that hospitals remain at risk of cyber attacks, because technology has not been properly funded. And it…

NHS practices join forces to form primary care networks
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NHS practices join forces to form primary care networks

This article was taken from: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/jul/01/nhs-primary-care-networks-gp-focus-vulnerable-patients By Nadeem Badshah Patients will have the opportunity of longer appointments with their GP from Monday under a new initiative of practices working together. About 7,000 surgeries across England have come together to form more than 1,200 primary care networks to deliver a wider range of specialist care services. Local surgeries…

Smoking ‘damages eyes as well as lungs’
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Smoking ‘damages eyes as well as lungs’

This article was taken from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-48824720 By BBC Health news Millions of people in the UK are putting their sight at risk by continuing to smoke, warn specialists. Despite the clear connection, only one in five people recognise that smoking can lead to blindness, a poll for the Association of Optometrists (AOP) finds. Smokers are twice…

London is a world leader in reducing HIV according to public health experts
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London is a world leader in reducing HIV according to public health experts

This article was taken from: http://www.nationalhealthexecutive.com/News/london-world-leader-hiv By National Health Executive News London is a world leader in reducing HIV according to public health experts London is now a world leader in reducing HIV according to the public health experts behind the capital’s new summer prevention campaign. The latest Do It London campaign – run by…

Dementia: New way of learning about everyday difficulties
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Dementia: New way of learning about everyday difficulties

To read more click on the link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-48805541 By Rick Faragher BBC News NI It’s a town centre unlike any other. About 75 people are wandering through shops made from wood and plaster. The group is diverse. It includes members of the fire service, the voluntary sector, carers and the general public. Crucially, there’s a…