Wales can be ‘global player’ in next generation medicine
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Wales can be ‘global player’ in next generation medicine

This article was taken from: By Owain Clarke BBC Wales health correspondent Wales can become a “global player” in precision medicine and game-changing treatments, according to the health minister. Vaughan Gething is officially opening the UK’s first high-energy proton beam therapy centre for treating cancer. The Rutherford Cancer Centre in Newport is a private clinic but took…

‘It can be a wonderful freeing moment’: opening up about mental health at work
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‘It can be a wonderful freeing moment’: opening up about mental health at work

This article was taken from: By Moya Sarner Mental illness is still taboo in many workplaces. But life can be transformed when you are able to talk to colleagues Iwould rather tell an employer I have excruciating period pain or terrible diarrhoea than say I need to take a day off for my mental health. Despite…

Mum weeps after medical cannabis for daughter’s epilepsy is seized at airport
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Mum weeps after medical cannabis for daughter’s epilepsy is seized at airport

This article was taken from: By Sky News The family flew to Rotterdam to obtain the medicine prescribed by a paediatric neurologist at the Erasmus Hospital. A mother who returned to the UK with illegal medical cannabis for her severely epileptic daughter wept after it was confiscated at the airport. Emma Appleby flew back to…

NHS patients have cancer scans cancelled after supplier problems
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NHS patients have cancer scans cancelled after supplier problems

This article was taken from: By Haroon Siddique Scan delays in England leading to ‘stress and anxiety’ for those awaiting their prognosis Concerns have been raised that problems related to the supply of a substance used to screen for cancerous cells is causing delays for NHS patients in England, with many exposed to repeated cancellation of scans…

Patients in Wales to be tested for bowel cancer gene
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Patients in Wales to be tested for bowel cancer gene

This article was taken from: By BBC Health news All people in Wales diagnosed with bowel cancer will be tested for a linked genetic condition. Sufferers of Lynch syndrome have an up to 80% risk of developing bowel cancer as well as other types of cancer. Currently, only 5% of those with the syndrome in…